Monday, August 26, 2019

Symptoms Of An AC Refrigerant Leak

ac refrigerant leakEver wonder why your AC is no longer providing the same kind of cooling comfort it once did? Are there any strange sounds coming from the air conditioner that you didn't hear before? These could be signs of an AC coolant problem. Coolant leaks are a common problem in air conditioning systems. Any change in the operation of your AC or changes in how it cools your space is enough reason to check it for potential problems. In the case of reduced cooling ability, strange sounds or pools of water below your AC system, the likely culprit could be a coolant leak. [maxbutton id="13" ] [maxbutton id="11" text="Schedule A Free, In-Home Estimate" ]

Signs Of An AC Refrigerant Leak Belford NJ

In this article, we discuss the symptoms of an AC refrigerant leak that you shouldn't ignore.

Sign #1: Reduced Cooling Power

If you turn on an AC system that works well, you can expect a strong gust of cool air a few seconds after turning the knob. If all you get is a weak flow of room-temperature or even warm air, then you need to have the unit looked at. Coolant leaks mean that there isn't enough coolant in the system to absorb the heat coming from your home. Of course, not all cases of weak air moving through the vents is caused by an AC refrigerant leak. It is best to have your ducts and tubings checked and to replaced clogged filters to rule out other possible causes of reduced air volume and cooling power.

Sign #2: Warm Air Coming From Vents

hot air coming from air conditioner ventsWarm air flowing through the vents is another common sign that you may have a coolant leak. If coolant levels are low, the air inside the AC is not cooled as well as it should, and it comes out warm.

Sign #3: Frozen Air Conditioner Coils

Leaking coolant will result in the coils not being able to absorb heat as quickly as they should. When this happens, the condensation present on the coils will likely freeze. However, when they don't, they likely appear as moisture which drips down to the floor. When this problem is not fixed right away, it can lead to compressor damage and a hefty air conditioner replacement bill.

Sign #4: Strange Noises Coming From The Indoor Cooling Unit

In some cases, coolant leaks are caused by cracks or holes in the coils through which the coolant passes. Air escaping through small holes can cause hissing noises, while larger holes may cause low, gurgling sounds. [maxbutton id="11" text="Make An Appointment" ]

Sign #5: Higher Power Bills

Coolant leaks result in more energy being used to cool your home or office space, especially if you continue to dial down your thermostat in the hopes of getting cooler air. Low coolant levels mean that it will take longer for your AC to cool your space. You can expect a power bill that becomes bigger as your coolant problem gets worse. If your power bills spike around the same time that you notice the signs mentioned above, it may be time to call your AC repair guy.

Importance Of Professional HVAC Inspections

Professional HVAC inspection is necessary to determine the presence of leaks since holes and leaks can be extremely small and difficult to detect. Evaporator coils are not easily seen by someone who is not trained to know the parts of an HVAC system. Determining the presence of a leak should be made by an HVAC official. You need to act fast if your AC has a coolant leak. Waiting until the problem gets worse could cost you in terms of comfort and repair expenses down the road. So watch out for these signs and be ready to have them fixed when needed so you can continue to enjoy cool, comfortable temperatures inside your home. [maxbutton id="11" ]


Lawes Company is a highly respected HVAC company that can assist home and business owners with their heating and cooling issues. If you need HVAC repairs, maintenance work, or system installation, then we are the one to call. Our reasonable rates and friendly NATE certified HVAC technicians will make your visit with us a pleasant experience. Learn more about what we can do for you by calling us today. We provide free consultations at your preferred schedule. Tell us about your concerns and your questions. We will answer them to the best of our abilities and your satisfaction. Act now so you can get the help that you need. Our representatives are standing by so call Lawes Company today! Some of the areas we service include Belford, Keansburg, Leonardo, Port Monmouth and these zip codes 07718, 07734, 07737, 07758 as well as all surrounding areas in Monmouth County, New Jersey. [maxbutton id="5" ] Click here to contact us now or call us at (732) 741-6300 to find out more!

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