Tuesday, October 20, 2020

10 Safety Tips For Heating Your Home In NJ This Winter

heating safety Keeping your home warm all winter is extremely important. Furthermore, the safety of you and your family should always come first. Even when you have done everything right, house fires can still occur. Unfortunately, they most frequently take place during the winter months because of homeowner negligence. Therefore, it is vital to take the necessary precautions. So, what steps can you take to make sure your home is being properly and safely heated? [maxbutton id="14" text="Explore Our Heating Services" ] [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Schedule A Free, In-Home Estimate" ]

10 Safety Tips For Heating Your Home In NJ This Winter

In this article, we discuss some heating safety tips you should follow.

1. Flammable Objects & Heaters

image of candles depicting flammable objects This may seem obvious, but never leave a flammable object near a heating device in your home. This is one of the most common causes of fires during the winter. Make sure you keep all flammable objects away from the equipment you use for heating your home in the winter like furnaces, fireplaces, wood stoves, and space heaters.

2. Establish A Kid-Free Zone Near Heating Devices

If you have children in your household, be sure to establish a kid-free zone. This kid-free zone should extend at least three feet from heat producers like space heaters and fireplaces. [maxbutton id="11" ]

3. Professional Heating System Installation

professional furnace installation Make sure that heating professionals in NJ are installing any new heating equipment in your home. A non-professional installation is dangerous and is never a smart idea.

4. Never Use Your Oven For Heating

Your oven is not a heating device. Although it may be tempting at times, your oven should never be used to produce heat in your house. Doing so is extremely dangerous for children, pets and can lead to a fire. [maxbutton id="14" text="Explore Our Heating Services" ] [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Schedule A Free, In-Home Estimate" ]

5. Is Your Heating System Up To Code?

If you are unsure if your heating equipment was installed professionally or whether it is up to the current New Jersey code, call a heating professional at Lawes Company to check. If any of your equipment was installed incorrectly, it may be a fire hazard or a safety issue.

6. Turn Off Portable Heaters

using a space heater Make sure you turn off your portable heaters when you are going to sleep. Objects like these should not run unsupervised. This is why other heating devices are recommended if possible.

7. Use The Right Heating Fuel

You should always have the right kind of fuel to use with your heating equipment. If you are unsure as to what kind of fuel you need for heating your home this winter, contact the New Jersey heating professionals at Lawes Company. They can tell you exactly what you need and offer practical solutions for your home heating requirements.

8. Check Your HVAC Vents

image of an hvac air vent that is closed You can check for blocked air vents and other potentially hazardous issues regarding your heating system. However, you should always call a professional heating expert if you think there could be an issue with your heating system. [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Make An Appointment" ]

9. Fireplaces

Many house fires begin with the fireplace. If you have a fireplace, make sure you have a quality screen to keep sparks from igniting flammable objects like the carpet. Also, verify that your chimney has been swept and flue is clear to prevent smoke from filling your house.

10. Smoke Alarms

changing batteries on smoke alarm Your smoke alarms should be tested every month to be sure that they are working properly. If they are malfunctioning, check the batteries or replace the entire unit. Make sure you have one installed in every bedroom and at least one per floor.


If you need professional assistance safely heating your home this winter, contact the oil and gas heating professionals at Lawes Company today. We can ensure that your system is working as expected. This way, you can have the peace of mind that your home is safe and comfortable this winter.

Give Lawes Company A Call For All Of Your HVAC Needs

Lawes Company Logo Lawes Company provides exceptional heating and cooling services in the area. We only hire skilled and certified technicians to handle HVAC tune-ups, replacements, installations, and repairs. The technicians have the necessary training and experience to assist you. Lawes Company guarantees reasonably priced heating and cooling services in the area. We offer superior repair and maintenance services that will enhance your comfort, improve energy efficiency, and decrease your energy costs. Call Lawes Company now and receive a free, in-home estimation. [maxbutton id="5" ] [maxbutton id="18" text="Read Our Reviews" ] Contact us now at (732) 741-6300 to find out more!

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