Monday, August 3, 2020

Best Ductless For Garage Shrewbury NJ

[WP-Coder id="4"] image of a man working in garage with no air conditioning Envision getting up on a gorgeous summer day and walking directly to your garage to get some work done. Once you pull the garage door open and you immediately are hit with a wave of hot, humid air. This is not the kind of thing you want to be confronted with just before getting work out of the way. Perhaps you were thinking of doing a bit of woodwork, putting your plants in new pots, or even just polishing your vehicle. It can be hard to concentrate on any type of work with high temperatures in spaces that are enclosed. This is true, even if you have a fully functioning fan. Installing an air conditioner in your garage is the best way to guarantee that your working space is comfortable and not too hot. In this article, we cover why homeowners should opt for the best ductless for garage Shrewsbury NJ. Furthermore, we also discuss why window AC units and central HVAC systems are not viable options. [maxbutton id="4" text="Explore Our Ductless HVAC Installations" ] [maxbutton id="11" text="Call Today For A Free Consultation" ]

Why You Should Air Condition Your Garage

People purpose their garages for several uses other than just a place to store their vehicles. Garages can be utilized as gyms, workshops, or even game rooms. If you plan on being in your garage for some time, the last thing you want is a space that is unbearably hot. Furthermore, you can not guarantee that opening the windows will cool down your garage. If you do decide on getting an air conditioner, it is salient to note that this decision has some challenges in itself.


image of varnishes and paints in garage If you happen to already have an HVAC unit in your home, you should not use it to lower the temperature in your garage. This is because gases that are emitted from chemical items that you store in the garage including pesticides and gasoline, plus from a running engine, can make their way into the HVAC's ductwork and be distributed to the other areas of the house. You could be thinking that you can solve the high-temperature issue easily by installing an extension of the ductwork in your garage, but this is not a great idea. If you do this, you could be violating the housing inspection code. Also, using a ductwork extension can put a considerable amount of pressure on the central air conditioning unit. The reason for this is that there is a tremendous amount of air that needs to be cooled.

Problems With Air Volume

Air volume is an additional dilemma that needs to be considered. For starters, it is highly likely that compared to other rooms in your house, the garage is the largest space. Furthermore, very few garages have ceilings that are complete. Therefore, the air volume is included in the space that stretches from the roof all the way to the rafters. This means that your garage may have as much as 50 percent more volume of air in comparison to other rooms that are identical in size but have a complete ceiling. [maxbutton id="11" ]

Less Insulated

installing insulation in garage for ductless air conditioning Garages do not have insulation, so it is challenging to keep them cool. This is the situation even if you utilize a cutting-edge air conditioning unit. Before you try to use your central air conditioning system to cool down your garage, be sure to add insulation to the ceiling, walls, and door. This will be beneficial because it will lessen the air volume that needs to be cooled. Another thing to think about is the quality of the air inside your house.

Air Quality Considerations

If you decide to connect the central HVAC unit from your house to your garage, you might find that you have low indoor air quality. It is essential that the AC unit balances the air that is flowing in and out. When it comes to the flow of air, the typical rule is that every cubic foot of air (CFM) that enters the unit must have a CFM emitted as well. This means that if your AC system is taking in 1,200 cubic feet of air and only emits 800 CFM, then it will have to get 400 CFM from elsewhere. It could be getting it from underneath the walls, from the gas water heater, or from the garage. If your air conditioner gets the extra CFM from the water heater, it could be deadly. This is because the gas fumes will not be able to make their way up the flue. This situation is called back-drafting, and it might result in carbon monoxide being released in your house. If you breathe in carbon monoxide, the consequences could be lethal. Even if there is not a back-drafting situation happening, you could be amping up the pressure in your garage and decreasing the pressure in other areas of the home. This could result in a distribution of toxic air particles that make their way from the garage to other parts of the house. [maxbutton id="4" text="Learn More About Mitsubishi Ductless Mini-Splits" ] [maxbutton id="11" text="Call  For A Free, In-Home Estimate" ]

The Right Way Heat Or Cool Your Garage

mitsubishi heating and cooling system If you spend a lot of time in your garage and an AC unit is vital, make certain to choose an AC unit that is only used in the garage and not hooked up to the central HVAC system. The best decision for this type of situation would be a ductless AC unit or a ductless heat pump. This is an excellent choice because it is small, you can easily turn it off, it reduces energy consumption, and you do not need to use ducts. Another option that is easy on the wallet initially is to use a window AC unit. That being said, you should expect it to be noisier and less effective. This is why most people do not go for this option.

Different Methods Of Using an AC Unit to Cool Down Your Garage

Window AC Units

window AC unit Despite being the least effective way when it comes to conditioning the air in your garage, this is the least expensive initially. This is why many people who own homes decide on this option. If you plan on just lowering the temperature in your garage by only a couple of degrees, this option will achieve that. However, if you want your AC unit to be more efficient, then a window AC unit is not the best choice. The main reason that a window or wall AC unit is not the ideal method of lowering the temperature in your garage is that you will have to make a substantial hole in the wall of your garage. This massive hole that you cut will look incredibly unattractive, particularly when you consider that the majority of garage walls can be found in the front of the home. However, your most pressing concern should be the security situation. Any criminal who wanted to enter your home would only have to push the AC device out of the hole. Furthermore, it is well known that window units are noisy and inefficient. Plus, it can be difficult to find a repairperson or fix parts if they stop working. Overall, a window AC unit will not give you the results you are looking for.

The Upsides Of Window AC Units

  • They do not cost a lot when you compare the price to cutting-edge AC units and systems that are portable.
  • You can install the unit on your own with ease.
  • A window AC unit can be plugged into an ordinary wall unit. However, the circuits might become overloaded if you plug in more than just one unit.

The Downsides Of Window AC Units

  • The giant hole that you will have to cut in your wall.
  • When replacing your window AC unit with a different unit, you might have a problem with the hole because it could be too tiny or too big for the newer model.
  • Security will be a pressing issue.
  • In all honesty, they look bad and make a lot of noise.
  • You may not get the results you are looking for.
  • Window units encourage mold to grow, so your indoor air quality will be poor.
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Using A Ductless Air Conditioner

If you reside in a region where weather conditions can be extreme, your primary choice for cooling and heating your garage should be a ductless air conditioner. Central HVAC units and ductless mini-split systems are very similar, except that ductless mini-split systems are smaller. The ductless system has a component that exchanges heat. This part goes on the outside of your garage. Then you have lines through the wall to move cold liquid that will lower the air temperature in a small output unit. The lines cross a cut area that is only a few inches. You can put the output unit in an area where it will function most effectively.

The Benefits Of A Ductless Air Conditioning Unit

  • Compared to many central AC systems, ductless systems are more durable.
  • You can get ductless systems with additional space that is permanently conditioned.
  • When it comes to methods of air conditioning, ductless systems are rated as the most effective.
  • They do not produce loud noises.
  • Because ductless systems are small, they do not take up a great deal of wall space.
  • You do not need to create a large wall hole, so you will not have problems with security.
  • Besides having the ability to cool, they also have the ability to heat.
  • The superior design allows you to reach the perfect temperature.

The Downsides Of Ductless Air Conditioners

  • When looking at all the different sorts of available AC units, this is the most expensive choice (initially).
  • The installation must be done by an expert. If you think that you will save money by buying a ductless unit online, you might find that you have regrets.
  • Even though you might want to remove your ductless system, it often becomes a permanent fixture.


By installing a ductless mini-split AC system in your garage, you can change your garage into a working environment that is comfortable every month of the year. A ductless unit that is high quality also has the extra benefit of being safe and providing excellent air quality indoors all year round. To find out more details about ductless systems that save energy, you can connect with a certified HVAC contractor. When you have the proper information, you will arrive at a better place to make a decision about which unit is right for your house.

Common Ductless FAQs

How Does A Ductless AC Unit Function?

A ductless AC system consists of a heat pump that is outside and an air handler component that is inside. The component that handles the air works to provide your garage directly with conditioned air.

How Easy Is It To Install A Ductless Air Conditioning System?

It is comparatively easy to install a ductless mini-split AC unit. An HVAC contractor will make a tiny hole in the wall of the garage and place a duct to link the air handler and the outdoor heat pump. They will do this before the other equipment is installed. The whole operation is straightforward and fast. If the HVAC installer is skilled, the whole process can be finished in just one day for normal ductless installs.

What Other Places Can Ductless HVAC Be Used?

In addition to using a ductless AC unit in a garage, you can also make use of them in sheds, additions, and rooms with temperature issues. Some homeowners use ductless units in conjunction with their central HVAC systems due to their energy-efficient performance. [maxbutton id="11" text="Call Lawes Company Today: (732) 741-6300" ]

What Will A Ductless System Cost Me?

There are several factors that influence the cost of buying a ductless HVAC unit and its installation. Some of these factors include the capacity of the unit, the number of indoor air handlers that you are installing, the HVAC company that installs it, and more.

Why Are Ductless Heat Pumps So Efficient?

A major advantage of having this type of system installed is that the temperature can be customized. Therefore, unlike central HVAC systems, you can turn the system off when you are not using the room. Another thing that makes a ductless system efficient is that there is no ductwork. Specialists say that leaks in the ductwork can result in an average of 30 percent energy being lost. Also, a mini-split AC unit typically has exceptionally high SEER and HSPF ratings.

Can A Ductless Heat Pump Work Efficiently If I Live In An Area That Experiences Extreme Cold?

Every manufacturer of HVAC units produces heat pumps that function in frigid climates. These types of heat pumps are commonly called extended capacity units. There are versions that provide high-quality performance when temperatures are low.

Is A Ductless Mini-Split System Durable?

Usually, a ductless AC unit will function for approximately 20 years or more. However, the only way this happens is if it is maintained regularly. An expert can help you with potential problems and repair them.

Call Lawes Company To Learn More About Ductless HVAC Systems

Lawes Company Logo When you require top-notch HVAC services in the area, get in touch with Lawes Company. Each of our techs is licensed, and NATE certified to conduct services such as mini-split installations, central HVAC system tune-ups, boiler repairs, and more. Our experts are equipped with the proper tools, extensive knowledge, and years of experience to ensure that all services are done correctly and quickly. Lawes Company offers the most competitive HVAC services in the area. We guarantee that we can provide you with the best solutions for all your HVAC needs while staying within your budget. As always, your comfort, energy efficiency, and indoor air quality are our top priorities. To schedule an appointment, give Lawes Company a call today for a free, in-home estimate. [maxbutton id="5" ] Contact us now at (732) 741-6300 to find out more!  

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