Monday, August 10, 2020

Central Air Conditioning Myths Debunked

image of a person holding a fact sign depicting air conditioner facts Now that the hotter months are upon us, cooling can be a struggle for some houses. Homes that have older air conditioners, window AC units, or no AC units at all frequently go through discomfort that is unbearable. Homes that have older central HVAC systems or window air conditioning units also suffer from massive cooling bills. Homeowners who are dealing with insufficient cooling should think about installing a central HVAC unit because this is an ideal option. However, there are many misunderstandings about these kinds of cooling systems, preventing homeowners from investing in one for their home. Therefore, it is important that homeowners understand central air conditioning facts before making this decision. [maxbutton id="14" text="Explore Our Air Conditioning Services" ] [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Schedule A Free, In-Home Consultation" ]

Air Conditioning Facts To Think About

This article will debunk some of the misconceptions about central AC systems and provide you with conclusive facts. This is so you can make a knowledgeable decision about opting for a new air conditioning system for your house.

Misconception #1: You Will Need to Remodel Significantly to Install an Air Conditioner

house renovation for hvac ductwork Many people do not opt for central AC because they believe that the installation will cost them a fortune due to remodeling. For instance, homes that are older might not have the air ducts that central AC needs to function. The remodeling needed to install those air ducts might impact the structural integrity of the house. The remodeling could also be excessively disruptive for the people in the house. Fact: The truth is that central air conditioners used to require this type of procedure, but in current times this is not a necessity anymore. It is now easier to fit a model that has a high-power circulator and smaller ducts into an existing home.

Misconception #2: Running Central Air Conditioning is Costly

The assertion that central air conditioning is a costly way to cool the home is simply not true. When compared to other AC setups in the same coverage area, the energy consumption is similar. This misconception may have arisen from leaky air ducts, which are a bane for older AC installations. Over time holes can develop, and these are not often found unless the owner has the unit regularly maintained by a professional HVAC contractor. Fact: Contemporary AC installations with mini-ducts have better construction, so they are not as likely to get holes. Therefore, the system is more reliable, highly efficient, and less costly to operate. [maxbutton id="11" ]

Misconception #3: Central AC Creates a lot of Noise

man covering ears from noisy air conditioning system Another fallacy about central AC units is that they are always making noise. People may think this because they have experienced noise with their own cooling system or another unit belonging to someone else. Once again, this issue mainly happens with older AC systems. As technology progresses, common problems are solved with it. Fact: The never-ending noise that older central AC units make is now just a memory far in the past. If you choose an HVAC unit that has soundproofing as a feature, then this is not a problem. You can sleep at night without worrying.

Misconception #4: Performance is the Same for all Cooling Systems

image of an air conditioner compressor Take care when selecting a new cooling system. Be sure not to choose blindly because various options are significantly different. Some might use less electricity because they offer higher efficiency. Others might control indoor humidity more effectively. Plus, AC systems do not just cool the interior of your home. They also get rid of moisture from the air by condensing it, which ends up making the room feel cooler. Because the compressor is not working as hard, it doesn't use as much energy, which means homeowners will save money on energy costs. Fact: Choose your AC unit wisely. Many offer different features that will successfully meet your cooling requirements.

Misconception #5: AC Components Destroy the Aesthetics of Your House

Home aesthetics are important to homeowners and that is understandable. Homeowners will rally against anything that would ruin the interior design of their home. Many believe that central air conditioning is not a suitable option because of this. But the truth is that a central HVAC system can be almost completely unseen if it is professionally and competently installed. Fact: The HVAC contractor can position the outlets in ways that they won't draw attention. Instead of clashing with the décor, they will just do their job discreetly in the background. [maxbutton id="14" text="Explore Our Cooling Services" ] [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Schedule A Free Consultation" ]

Misconception #6: Central AC Systems Cannot Have More Than One Purpose

family spending time indoors in comfortable home Previously, central HVAC systems only had one job. They could distribute heat but not cool air, or the other way around. Because of this, homeowners had to install two different HVAC systems, even if this meant that one was doing nothing for six months or so. Today that is not how it works. Fact: Central HVAC systems can both cool and heat the house, which means you only need one system for the entire year. Dual-purpose HVAC units are not only easier to run and more convenient, but they are also quicker and less expensive to install. In addition, many of these systems run highly efficiently, which means you save more. [maxbutton id="5" text="Call To Make An Appointment" ]

Call Lawes Company For Any HVAC Needs You Might Have

Lawes Company Logo Clearly the myths that prevail are not always correct. Old problems are eradicated by innovative solutions. Before you decide to opt out of central air conditioning, contact a professional HVAC contractor and supplier to learn more about the latest models. Lawes Company provides outstanding services for cooling and heating in Monmouth and Ocean Counties, New Jersey. Our technicians are all professionally certified and they can offer you expert HVAC installations, replacements, tune-ups, and repairs. Our team has years of experience and the know-how to correctly service your HVAC system. When it comes to costs for cooling and heating services, Lawes Company guarantees the best prices in the region. Our maintenance services can elevate your comfort levels and upgrade your energy efficiency, all while lowering the costs of your home cooling. Whether you need HVAC repairs or a replacement HVAC unit, we can advise you on the best units for your living space that are suitable for your budget. We even have a satisfaction guarantee for all of our work. Give Lawes Company a call today for a free in-home estimate or to book a heating or cooling appointment or tune-up. [maxbutton id="5" ] [maxbutton id="18" text="Read Our Reviews" ] Contact us now at (732) 741-6300 to find out more!

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